connecting care
Sustainable Supply Chain
Innovations for Healthcare

Rising healthcare costs are a global pandemic.
Our mission: to contribute to a positive change in healthcare costs through an overarching, technologically savvy solution that can save millions on national healthcare while freeing up medical staff to provide much needed care. Driving for sustainable supply chain management together with care facilities, vendors and logistics partners.

Some Healthcare Supply Figures
" Our true innovation is collaboration"
- Roel Willems, CEO
We focus on three pillars

Using innovative sensor technology and computer vision systems, LifeSky tracks all product data of affiliated vendors. Inventory Levels, Location, Usage, Point of Consumption - all to relieve time constraints, reduce waste, optimise production and get professionals back to their core business.

We collect product data ​and make that data available in a user friendly, clear and concise manner to designated parties. For the real data junkies - we adhere to federated data principles.
Our platform is designed to be compatible with all vendors - which is exactly what a medical institution is looking for.

An AI-powered platform meant to help and save time through analysis that suggests things like Predictive Inventory Levels and/or production forecast.
Developments include Shipping & Logistics optimizations, automatic order creation and automated direct billing.
Our goal is to save time, waste, cost and productivity.
We provide solutions for the whole ecosystem
Our collaborative solution is not focussed on gains for any one party
It provides a holistic improvement for the whole medical supply ecosystem
* reduce supply chain costs
* reduce waste
* reduce hours of (medically trained) staff on stock management
* get insight into stock levels, usage, location, etc
* no new software implementation on hospital level - we build on your system
PL2+ Logistics
* automated and real time stock levels insight
* clarity on stock location
* predictive replenish system
* expiry date insight / reporting
* improved production forecasting
* improved order to cash
* improved stock and usage insight
* plug and play - 1 platform to garner all wanted product data
* clear track and trace
* staff hours gained back for care
* clarity on guaranteed stock levels and expiry dates
* reduced administration
* predictive / automated replenish orders
* we fill your stock system with real time data
Reducing healthcare costs is a benefit to all. Waste reduction and improved production forecasting will reduce the medical supplychain footprint. Gained medical staff hours will improve care......and there is so much more
See how we connect care